Category: GIS III

  • Rumor has it that + (subject + verb)

    ‘Rumor has it’ is an expression used when suggesting you might have heard something or read about something that is taking place now or in the future. A rumor is not a fact. Here are some examples: “Rumor has it that that player will get traded.” “Rumor has it that she cheated on him.” “Rumor…

  • There’s nothing + (subject) + can + (verb)

    ‘There’s’ is a contraction of the words ‘there is.’ When using the word ‘nothing’ you are suggesting that something cannot happen or be done. Here are some examples: “There’s nothing you can harm.” “There’s nothing the police can identify.” “There’s nothing we can agree on.” “There’s nothing we can join.” “There’s nothing she can cook.”…

  • It’s very kind of you to + (verb)

    When saying it is ‘kind of you’ you are saying that what someone has done or said was very appreciated or welcomed. Here are some examples: “It’s very kind of you to offer me the job.” “It’s very kind of you to listen to me.” “It’s very kind of you to join me.” “It’s very…

  • There’s no way + (subject + verb)

    ‘There’s’ is a contraction of the words ‘there is.’ By stating ‘there’s no way’ you are relaying a thought of doubt about an event taking place now or in the future. Here are some examples: “There’s no way you finish on time.” “There’s no way we complete on time.” “There’s no way your mother approves.”…

  • It’s no use + (verb-ing)

    ‘It’s’ is a contraction for ‘it is.’ By stating ‘it’s no use’ you are saying that what you or someone else is doing is not recommended or uncalled for. Here are some examples: “It’s no use crying.” “It’s no use separating them.” “It’s no use talking to her.” “It’s no use whining about it.” “It’s…

  • Here’s to + (noun)

    ‘Here’s to’ is used in a way of celebrating or identifying a person, place, or thing of significance. It is usually said while toasting someone at dinner, or signaling to someone or something after an event. Here are some examples: “Here’s to the winner!” “Here’s to your marriage!” “Here’s to the New Year!” “Here’s to…

  • Please make sure that + (subject + verb)

    You are asking someone to make sure that a particular thing happens or takes place. Here are some examples: “Please make sure that she wakes up on time.” “Please make sure that she gets to school.” “Please make sure that dinner is ready when we get home.” “Please make sure that your assignment is done.”…

  • It takes + (time) + to + (verb)

    You are letting someone know how long it will take to do a particular thing. Here are some examples: “It takes one hour to get there.” “It takes forty-five minutes for me to get ready.” “It takes four quarters to complete a football game.” “It takes 7 seconds for my car to go 60 miles…

  • There’s no need to + (verb)

    The word ‘there’s’ is a contraction of the words ‘there is’ or ‘there has.’ When expressing ‘no need’ you are stating that the action does not need to take place. Here are some examples: “There’s no need to worry.” “There’s no need to be upset.” “There’s no need to act so strange.” “There’s no need…

  • Let’s say that + (subject + verb)

    ‘Let’s’ is a contraction for ‘let us.’ You are suggesting to someone that you should both agree on what you will communicate to someone else. Here are some examples: “Let’s say that you love to fish.” “Let’s say we found it.” “Let’s say that we enjoy being with them.” “Let’s say that we had a…